Social fund

Social fund

Social fund

Applications ONLY via email to

Application – Social fund grant for the semester ticket

Students who are not exempt from the obligation to pay the semester ticket and who can prove one of the following 9 hardships may be eligible for a co-payment to the semester fee of up to 181.40€. The basis for calculating the entitlement is the past 6 months.

Eligible hardships

  • an unpaid or low-paid traineeship of at least 30 hours per week within the last six months
  • foreign students who are affected by a restriction on work permits for non-independent activities
  • costs over €250 for necessary medical or psychological care within the last six months up to the date of payment, which are not covered by health insurance
  • pregnancy from the 12th week
  • living together with at least one minor child, if you are solely responsible for his or her care and upbringing or have the obligation to provide maintenance for at least one minor child
  • students who or their child(ren) are entitled to regular subsistence benefits according to SGB II or SGB XII
  • if you are solely responsible for the care or maintenance of a sick, recovering or disabled person
  • integration aid for the disabled
  • the difference between income and requirements, which is 35 % less than requirements during at least the first or last three months of the calculation period

In such cases of absolute hardship, students can send the following completed and signed application to

To find out more about the social fund program, please download the official social fund statutes:

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